
Time-Dependent System

I have been thinking about the application of a time-dependent harmonic oscillator. The problem finding time-dependent harmonic oscillator itself is long-standing and fascinating one in many fields, e.g., quantum optics. In the context of …



Fuzzy Disc

On the fuzzy disc we are investigating now: Because of truncation to the Heisenberg algebra with finite degrees of freedom, there appear some terms that are not included in the original algebra. How can we re-interpret them in the context …


本当の「速読」のために1. 初読時は気に入ったフレーズや重要そうな式があっても,ノートやメモは取らない 2. 計算を確認しない 3. 読了後,やはり意味がある本だと感じていたら,類書を3~4冊読む 4. それらを要約して喋ってみる 5. それらをしてもまだなお…